Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today I got to deliver a car!

My brother was borrowing a car for his stay in Wisco, and as he is leaving today, he had to return the car to its original owner (may aunt Connie). So, I took a ride from my dad down to Oconomowoc to take the car and then drive it to Connie.

Gotta say, for some reason, being a wheelman has a certain appeal to me. Not sure why. I don't think it's related to the Driver videogames, or Vanishing Point. But there's something about it, even driving safely through the countryside (not at all like in a movie... well, not like in an interesting movie). Although I do love the idea of having to drive a classic muscle car across the country in a narrow band of time, dueling other drivers and dodging the police across salt flats... but come on; I'm driving a Cavalier! You can tell the door is plastic. There's no cruise control. The windows are hand-cranks, and I expect that it came standard with the engine light on. Still, fun fun!

Anyway, this is a short post to get swinging again; more to come! (click ads!)

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